Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Great Back Yard Bird Count is soon

Two Male Blue Birds
I wanted to share once again a special moment in our lives...the kids and I do the Great Back Yard Bird Count (GBBC) Every Year this time of year.
Male Cardinal
I am taken back to sitting on the counter eating cheese sandwiches and drinking lemon-aid with my son who is 11 now but 3 at the time.
Female Downy Woodpecker

We have since moved the feeders to a precise location...when I say precises I mean it is situated so that I may view it from my chair in the living room and my chair at the dinner table. The curtain is usually down so I can see our visitors.
Flock of Junco's
We have made our usual preparations; the table is move up against the window by the feeders. Extra special feeders are made...pine cone, log and suit. Sugar water is prepared in case the humming birds want to join in. Books on Identifying birds are placed on the table along with pencils, crayons, note pads, binoculars, cameras and drawing paper just in case someone gets an inkling to draw a picture.
Male American Goldfinch and Male Downy Woodpecker
We always say "We are Having Lunch with the birds" and we eat nuts and berries in homage to our feathered friends. But enjoy our cheese sandwiches and lemon-aid after.
Male Red tail Hawk
Alex can identify all the birds on this page as well as several more and can even tell the sex on some. Trinity is getting along well with it too. If you would like to join in on the fun click on the link above below or on my side bar. It is quite simple...they give very good instructions and its a super Home School project on many levels of learning.


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