Friday, January 20, 2012

Moon Phases Grade 1 and 6

One glorious thing about homeschooling is when you can combine the grades into one lesson. Trinity grade 1 and Alex grade 6 started studying the moon at the same time.

I found a great book to help Trinity with this...FACES OF THE MOON
It separated the phases and gave a picture of each and it even had a tab index along the right side with picture of the moon.
Trinity Cut out black and white paper in the phases and I wrote the phases on each...

And we hung it in the school room above the door...
Alex had to dig a little deeper we found quite a bit of information on the Internet to help us with his Moon Calendar.
Moon Phases StarDate Online Here you can get a Month by Month Phase
Judaism 101: Current Calendar Here you can get the name of the Moon Calendar and their time periods.
Examiner Actually gave the round calendar
And here is Alex's round moon Calendar for January and February. It is hanging on the opposite end of the school room.

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